Demonstrative Score is a two-channel video installation that uses an archival compilation of acts of protest that aim to dismantle public monuments of various historical leaders and Confederate soldiers. Archival footage offers a visual score for choreography, performed by taisha paggett. The work responds to recent iconoclastic events that demand revisions to national narratives, and define history as a living document that warrants active engagement by marginalized subjects.
Detail of installation, Demonstrative Score, Angel’s Gate Cultural Center, 2018-ongoing
Detail of installation, Demonstrative Score, 2018-ongoing, Angel’s Gate Cultural Center
Demonstrative Score, 2018. 2-Channel Video and Gelatin Silver Print, 10 minutes, size variables
To view the full work, please contact the artist.
Demonstrative Score 2-Channel Video Still, 2018
Demonstrative Score 2-Channel Video Still, 2018
Liberty Enlightening the World (July 4, 1776 -) (Demonstrative Score), Gelatin Silver Print, 13.5” x 20”, 2018
Demonstrative Score 2-Channel Video Still, 2018